"My mind is always wandering around somewhere over the rainbow, so I'll rant about anything and everything under the sun."
-Angie of My Little Secret
Ever wonder what others think about your blog? I know I do and so does one of our curious reader: Meet Angie of My Little Secret. Angie is a 25 year old stay at home mom to a 2 adorable babies, a girl and a boy. She blogs about anything and everything under the sun mostly personal random stuff.

-Cute page layout. Very clean and simple to navigate through.
-Like the two side bars.
-Good placement of page labels
-Great and clear pictures. Good size.
Here's what I think she can improve on:
-Because the blog posts are very random it's hard to follow. I'd suggest to add labels for the different topics. Ex. beauty, fashion, advice, etc...
-Add social media icons instead of just listing your Username ID. It's easier to click and follow than to search for the username and then have to guess if it's the right one...
-Some of your posts shows only the title and number of comments... You should give a brief description of what the post is about so readers can decide if they want to click to read it or not..
-This isn't a big deal, but some of the right side bar images overlap with your post images. This may just be my computer... but still something you may want to look into. You can just adjust the page width to fix this.
Other than that, I can't think of anything else. What are your thoughts? Please let Angie of My Little Secret know about leaving a comment below. Let her know what your likes and dislikes are.
Thanks for reading. =)
I really love this blog's layout! I hope I can get mine looking that sleek someday!